VIZpin Public Knowledge Base
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Entegrity Smart Account Training Guide
Entegrity Smart Installation Guide
Entegrity Smart Partner Portal Training Program
For Developers
Smartlock FAQ's
My First Questions
What type of locks or openers will VIZpin work with?
I granted access to a FOB but it still does not unlock the door. What to do?
I edited my Smart Device settings on the Portal but the Smart Device is still using the old settings.
I tap the Smartkey in my app and the VIZpin Smart Device shows a green LED but the door remains locked.
The VIZpin Smart Device's LED is fading in and out. What is wrong with it?
How do I connect the VIZpin controller to my WiFi network?
Can I use VIZpin to unlock my door remotely?
What PIN do I use to pair with VIZpin?
My lock's requirements exceed the specs of the VIZpin relay. Can I still use VIZpin as my door controller?
What is the quickest way for me to get a response?
I entered the wrong location ID
User not receiving SMS verification code
How do I change the name of my Smart Device?
App not working after updating new iOS app
How do I add the Widget to my iOS device?
What does the green and red boxes in the Manage Users section mean?
How to Override a Maglock if a VIZpin Smartkey is not working
Do you have a warranty on your products?
How to add Widgets to Android Devices
UL Certification
What is the Bluetooth range for VIZpin?
How to program site code for Farpoint P-620 Mullion Keypad
How to grant access to keypad or 3rd party fob users
What outdoor rating does the Smartlock have?
Gray Smartkey or "Scanning not activated" iOS
My keys are gray, what do I do?
Key is out of schedule
What are the different buzzer modes?
Where are Entegrity Smart products made?
How do you edit a fob name?
What do I do if I get a new phone number?
Smart Device Troubleshooting
VIZpin Smart App Troubleshooting
Entegrity Intercom App Troubleshooting
Pausing or Suspending a User's Access
Remove or Delete Users from Your Account
Can I download the VIZpin Smart app on my computer?
How to Replace a Bluetooth Fob Battery
Unblock a user after fraud alert
VIZpin Calculator
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VIZpin Public Knowledge Base
How do you edit a fob name?