VIZpin iOS Help Center

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Check Your Permission Settings

Please verify that Bluetooth is on. You can do this one of two ways - by swiping down to open your quick setting menu and making sure the Bluetooth symbol is highlighted, or by going into Settings and verifying that Bluetooth is on. If it is not, please make sure this is turned back on.

Bluetooth on the phone needs to be enabled

You also need to verify that the app has permissions to use a Bluetooth connection. You can do this by going into Settings and then scrolling down towards the bottom of the screen until you see the VIZpin Smart app. Tap on it to see the permissions granted to the app itself. You will need to verify that Bluetooth is enabled on this screen as well.

VIZpin Smart app needs permission to access Bluetooth

Are You a New User?

If you are a new user and not seeing keys in your app, most likely the managers of the location you are requesting access to have not granted you access yet. You can request access again from your building manager. This can be done by tapping on the gear icon in the upper left corner of the app and entering the six character Location ID you were provided. The account managers will be notified via email of your request and the keys will show up in your app as soon as access is granted.

Do You Have the Favorites Filter Enabled?

If you have the favorites filter enabled, but have not favorited any smartkeys, you will not see any smartkeys. You can toggle the favorites filter by tapping the star icon in the top right of the app.


You Are Outside of Your Scheduled Hours of Access

If you are seeing a yellow smartkey, that means that you have scheduled access and you are currently outside of that schedule. The smartkey and the open button will turn green when you are within to a reader you have access to use AND it is within your assigned timeframe.

Check Your Internet Connection

Most VIZpin smartkeys need to be updated If it has been more than 4 hours since they were last used. Red icons indicate that the smartkey has expired. Confirm that you have a valid connection to the internet and then swipe down to refresh your smartkeys or you can force close and re-open the app.

Is Your Phone’s Date & Time Setting Incorrect?

If there is a time mismatch, valid smartkeys can also show as expired.  Please check your phone’s Date & Time settings and ensure "Set Automatically" is enabled.  Sometimes even if the time that is manually set and less than a minute or two off, there can be issues communicating with our server.


You will need to verify your phone number via SMS code in order to complete your new user registration, reset your password, log in on a new phone, etc. If you are not receiving your code, please email and provide your name and phone number. We can provide that code for you to complete the process, but we will need to contact you through your phone number.

VIZpin Smart App Features

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