Grant Fob Access

Grant Fob Access

Grant Fob Access

Once you have created the roles that you need, granting access is easy. You’ll select the fobs you would like to grant access to, select the role you would like to grant them, and update the smart devices.

Like all users, fobs can only have one role at a time. Granting a new role will replace the previous role and any access provided by it.

After granting fob access someone will need to refresh their app and unlock any affected smart devices with a valid smartkey to update them. Until this is done the fob will not unlock the device.


  1. Login to VIZpin.net

  2. Click Grant Access

  3. Click Grant Fob Access

  4. Check Need Access to filter for fobs without access

  5. Select the desired fob(s) and click Continue

  6. Select the desired role and click Grant VIZpin

  7. Click OK to confirm

  8. Update any affected readers by refreshing the app and unlocking with a valid smartkey

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