Is your OPEN button gray?

Is your OPEN button gray?

  1. Are you within 10 feet of the door or gate?

  2. Is Bluetooth turned on?

  3. Does the app have permission to use Bluetooth?

Something else?

Call your building manager

If you requested access using a Location ID, your building manager has been notified and may not have sent you smartkeys yet.

To request access again, tap the gear icon in the upper left corner and enter the six character Location ID provided by buildling management.

Do You Have the Favorites Filter Enabled?

Turn off the favorites filter on or off by tapping the green star. To learn more click here.


You are not allowed to get in at this time

Your building manager has restricted the hours that you’re allowed to get in. Your smartkey will work only during the hours that your building manager has scheduled.

Refresh your smartkeys

Confirm that you have a valid connection to the internet and then swipe down to refresh your smartkeys or you can force close and re-open the app.

Check the Date & Time Setting

Please check your phone’s Date & Time settings and ensure "Set Automatically" is enabled. 

Contact your building manager

They may need to verify your phone in the Additional Actions>Manage Users section.

Contact your building manager

Make sure you have the correct 6-character Location ID. If that is not working, your building manager can add you to their account.

Customize your VIZpin Smart app


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Visit EntegritySmart.com/Support or Search for more help articles below.

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