Door/Gate Controller Troubleshooting

Door/Gate Controller Troubleshooting

In normal operation a Door/Gate Controller should have a pulsing red light. If it does not here is what that could mean:

Pulsing Red

A pulsing red light indicates that the device is functioning properly.

White Light

A white light indicates a power issue. If the white light is only visible when attempting to unlock, the power supply is either drawing too much or not enough power.

Purple Light

A purple light indicates that a link file is being applied. This means that information on the device is being updated.

Yellow Light

A yellow light indicates that the device is in programming mode.

Green Light

A green light indicates that the device is unlocked. This light will display temporarily when being unlocked and will remain if the device is in first in mode.

Flashing Blue Light

A flashing blue light indicates that the device is having Bluetooth issues. If you are seeing this, try pressing the button on the device to do a soft reset.

Faint Red Light

A faint red light indicates that their is an issue with the device relay.

No Light

If the device has no light then it does not have power.

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