Promote Users to Manager or Admin

Promote Users to Manager or Admin

Promote or Demote Users to Manager or Admin

If you have a Plus or Plus 24 Service subscription you can have multiple managers and administrators on your account—each with their own login to the portal. Accounts can have a maximum of five managers or admins.

Managers and Admins can both grant, revoke, and edit access. However, only managers can promote or demote other users.

Demoting a user is the same process as promoting, just change the drop down to end user instead.


  1. Have the user download the VIZpin Smart app and request access

  2. Login to VIZpin.net

  3. Click Additional Actions

  4. Click Manage Users

  5. Enter an email address for the user and click the green checkmark to save

  6. Check the checkbox next to their name

  7. Change the dropdown on the right to the desired level of management

  8. Click Promote Users

  9. The user will receive an email with a link they need to click to set up a password

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