VIZpin API Documentation
VIZpin API Specification v4.3
In order to use this API you will need to have an account first. Please contact VIZpin Inc in order to become a partner.
The following features, even though they are available on our standard product through the use of the VIZpin Portal, they are note yet available through the API:
VIZpin Roles
Full support for FOB’s and CARDs
The following features, even though they are available on our OEM API, they are not available on out standard product through the use of the VIZpin Portal:
Multiple Sites/locations per account
NOTE: If you need to use any of these features you should only use the API or the Portal. If you need to use both, please do not use these features because you might reach some data inconsistancy.
- 1 Overview
- 2 Assumptions
- 4 VIZpin OEM API Version
- 5 VIZpin OEM API Authentication
- 6 High-level Object Relationship Diagram
- 6.1 Account
- 6.2 Card Number
- 6.3 VIZpin/PLUS
- 6.4 Entity Relationship Diagram
- 7 VIZpin OEM API Methods
- 7.1.1 Authenticate
- 7.1.2 Get Time
- 7.1.3 List Accounts
- 7.1.4 Get Account
- 7.1.5 Add Account
- 7.1.6 Edit Account
- 7.1.7 List Locations By Account
- 7.1.8 Get Location
- 7.1.9 Add Location
- 7.1.10 Edit Location
- 7.1.11 List Readers
- 7.1.12 Get Reader
- 7.1.13 Add Reader
- 7.1.14 Edit Reader
- 7.1.15 Count Users
- 7.1.16 List Users
- 7.1.17 Find User
- 7.1.18 Get User
- 7.1.19 PreRegister User
- 7.1.20 Register User
- 7.1.21 Edit User
- 7.1.22 Delete User
- 7.1.23 Associate User
- 7.1.24 Get User Credentials
- 7.1.25 Generate User Credential
- 7.1.26 List Users the Need Access
- 7.1.27 Grant Phone Role to User
- 7.1.28 List Roles
- 7.1.29 Add Role
- 7.1.30 Edit Role
- 7.1.31 List VIZpins
- 7.1.32 Grant VIZpin (DEPRECATED - user GRANT PHONE ROLE instead)
- Grant Custom Schedule
- Multiple Schedule
- 7.1.33 Revoke VIZpin
- 7.1.34 List Activity
- 7.1.35 Remove User Per Account
- 7.1.36 Object Delete
- 7.2 Push API Calls
- 8 Appendix 1: Status Codes and Error Codes
- 9 Appendix 2: Object Definitions
- 9.1 Account Object
- 9.2 Location Object
- 9.3 Reader Object
- 9.4 ReaderSettings Object
- 9.5 User Object
- 9.6 PreRegistered User Object
- 9.7 Credential Object
- 9.8 Role Object
- 9.9 VIZpin Object
- 9.10 Schedule Object (local time of the reader)
- 9.11 ScheduleElement Object - FOR FIRSTIN, 24x7 and CUSTOM SCHEDULE local time of the reader)
- 9.12 ScheduleElement Object - FOR MULTIPLE SCHEDULE (local time of the reader)
- 9.13 IncludeDates Object - FOR MULTIPLE SCHEDULE (local time of the reader)
- 9.14 ExcludeDates Object - FOR MULTIPLE SCHEDULE (local time of the reader)
- 9.15 Weekdays Object - FOR MULTIPLE SCHEDULE (local time of the reader)
- 9.16 Time Object - FOR MULTIPLE SCHEDULE (local time of the reader)
- 9.17 Activity Object
- 10 Appendix 3: Request/Response Valid Values
- 10.1 Timezone values
- 10.2 US States values
- 10.3 Country Code Values
- 11 Appendix 4: Policies
- 11.1 Password
- 12 Appendix 5: Activity Event Code
The VIZpin OEM API is a programmatic interface to many of the commonly used VIZpin platform functions. It is expected that the major uses of the API will be customized applications of VIZpin platform but from the server or applications of the implementing OEM partner.
The API is based on the JSON-RPC 2.0 Specification ( In general, this specification will not repeat information in the JSON-RPC specification. We will be using named, not positional parameters.
Sessions and access tokens may expire after inactivity and you may need to re-authenticate.
Authentication will be a combination user login/JWT Token and pre-authorized IP addresses as required.
All other parameters are required. Responses will always contain all attributes.
Access to the VIZpin API will use the following production URL: {+}
You may also be given a test sandbox for use in development with a specific URL.
You will also be given an OEM_KEY similar to this: e6f90bc9e228a6d5b054cdb89c7eb550
VIZpin OEM API Version
OEM Partners will follow a specific API version depending on the requirements needed.
This API document is build for API version 2. App version will be validated per partner.
VIZpin OEM API Authentication
Authentication is restricted by IP address.
Here is an example of how to use curl to authenticate a session with the authenticate method:
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "!version":"2", "id":1491396942, "method":"com.vizpin.user.authenticate", "jsonrpc":"2.0", "params":{"username":"", "password":"notarealpassword", "oem_key":"63C81EF5398EFEDE9D0AE93E551AAF29"}}' \ <<SANDBOX URL>>/VIZpin/services/apexrest/oem-api
Name | Description | Remarks |
!version | Api version | Required |
id | Message id used as reference for request and response calls | Required |
method | "com.vizpin.user.authenticate" | Required |
username | Username set | Required |
password | Password set | Required |
oem_key | Oem Key assigned | Required |
This will return a JSON response similar to this ("token" below has been shortened):
"result": {
"message": "User successfully authenticated and verified",
"code": 9,
"now": 1560932375,
"token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ik9FTUFQSSJ..."
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1491396943,
"status": 1
You can then use the token as Header property to make VIZpin API calls, like this:
curl _-H "token: 00D50TrZ!AR8AQAPolUJR.dgM2co9D_OkVn9QoGtPemlt3q5HT3sv.C0W" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d { "!version":"1", "id":1491396942, "method":"com.vizpin.time", "jsonrpc":"2.0, "params":{"oem_key": OEM_KEY}} \<<SANDBOX URL>>/VIZpin/services/apexrest/oem-api
And you should get a response similar to this:
"message":" User requested time"
"Jsonrpc":"2.0", "!version" : "2",
High-level Object Relationship Diagram
An ACCOUNT has a 1-to-many relationship with LOCATION, while READER is referenced to LOCATION ID. Each READER has a child READER SETTINGS. However, if a Reader is set to first-in mode, a SCHEDULE is required.
ACCOUNTLOCATIONREADERReader SettingsSchedule_Schedule Element_First-in Schedule1...n1...n
Sample Structure:
Sample Diagram of Account and Location Association_Account_1Location_1Location_2Location_3Reader_1Reader_nReader_4Reader_3Reader_5Reader_6Reader_7Reader_n_Schedule_Schedule Element_first_in = "on"
Card Number
A USER may have several unique credentials with Wiegand representation.
A USER may have VIZpins for Mobile Access. Each VIZpin is scheduled, in a daily or daily multi-timespan mode. A VIZpin is related to a READER is related to LOCATION and LOCATION to an ACCOUNT.
UserVIZpinREADERScheduleSchedule Element"Custom" or "24x7"1...n1...nLocationAccount
Entity Relationship Diagram
Diagram showing relationship of entities and its properties
VIZpin OEM API Methods
All API calls must be made via OAuth 2.0 authenticated clients.
All data API calls must contain an OEM_KEY which limits results to your OEM objects.
All calls return an attribute of "status" which represents success (value = 1) or failure (value = 0).
All successful calls return an attribute of "result" which contains attributes for "code" and "message" which describes the result as well as request specific response attributes.
Sample Result:
"status": 1
"result": {
"message": "User successfully authenticated and verified",
"code": 9,
"now": 1561086713
All failed calls return an attribute of "error" which contains attributes for "code" and "message" which describes the error as well as request specific response attributes.
Sample Result:
"status": 0
"result": {
"message": "Missing or invalid password or username",
"code": 4
All successful calls return an attribute of "now" in the "result" attribute that represents the server's current time.
All error codes and status codes are defined in the appendix.
This method is used to create a session, and return an authentication token.
Method Name: com.vizpin.user.authenticate
Request Parameters:"oem_key" – Unique key to limit data results to your OEM
"username" - assigned username.
"password" - assigned passwordResponse Attributes: "token" – access token in making API calls.
Sample Request:
"Jsonrpc":"2.0", "!version" : "2",
Sample Response:
"message":"User successfully authenticated and verified",
Sample Code:
public string GetVizpinAuthenticationToken()
string token = string.Empty;
string userName = ConfigurationHelper.Vizpin_USERNAME;
var httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(<<SANDBOX URL>>/VIZpin/services/apexrest/oem-api);
httpWebRequest.Method = "POST";
httpWebRequest.ContentType = contenttype;
httpWebRequest.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
string json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(new
!version = "2",
id = "1234567",
method = "com.vizpin.user.authenticate",
jsonrpcs = "2.0",
param = new
username = "",
password = "mypassword",
oem_key = "245aa68490c94hafg199d62c5b6f7f77"
token = SendHttpWebRequest(httpWebRequest, json);
var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Result_Authenticate>(token);
return result.token;
Get Time
This method is used to get the server time and test that your credentials are working.
Method Name: com.vizpin.time
Request Parameters: "oem_key" - predefined oem key
Response Attributes: "now" - server time in GMT
Sample Request:
"Jsonrpc":"2.0", "!version" : "2"
Sample Response:
"message":" User requested time"
Sample Code:
public string GetVizpinTime() {
string result = string.Empty;
string token = GetVizpinAuthenticationToken();
var httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(OEM_URL);
httpWebRequest.Method = "POST";
httpWebRequest.Headers["token"] = token;
httpWebRequest.ContentType = contenttype;
httpWebRequest.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
string json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(new
!version = "2",
id = id,
method = "com.vizpin.time",
jsonrpc = "2.0",
param = new
oem_key = "OEM_KEY"
result = SendHttpWebRequest(httpWebRequest, json);
var datenow = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Result_GetTime>(result);
return datenow.result.serverdate.Tostring();
List Accounts
This method is used to get a list of Accounts currently on the specified account.
Method Name:com.vizpin.account.list
Request Parameters: "oem_key" – Unique key to limit data results to your OEM
Response Attributes: "accounts" – Array of Account objects (see Appendix for objects)
Sample Request:
"Jsonrpc":"2.0", "!version" : "2",
Sample Response:
"message":" Successful listing of accounts",
Get Account
This method is used to get Account to your OEM.
Method Name: com.vizpin.account.get
Request Parameters: "oem_key" – Unique key to limit data results to your OEM,
"accountid" – Account to retrieve.Response Attributes: "account" – newly created Account object (see Appendix for objects)
Sample Request:
"Jsonrpc":"2.0", "!version" : "2",
Sample Response:
"message":" Successful getting of account",
Add Account
This method is used to add a new Account to your OEM.
Method Name: com.vizpin.account.add
Request Parameters: "oem_key" – Unique key to limit data results to your OEM,
"account" – Account object to create (see Appendix for objects)Response Attributes: "account" – newly created Account object (see Appendix for objects)
Sample Request:
"Jsonrpc":"2.0", "!version" : "2",
Sample Response:
"message":" Successful adding of account",
Edit Account
This method is used to edit an existing Account in your OEM.
Method Name: com.vizpin.account.edit
Request Parameters: "oem_key" – Unique key to limit data results to your OEM,
"account" – Account object to create (see Appendix for objects)Response Attributes: "account" – newly created Account object (see Appendix for objects)
Sample Request:
"Jsonrpc":"2.0", "!version" : "2"
Sample Response:
"message":" Successful editing of account",
List Locations By Account
This method is used to get a list of Locations of the specified account.
Method Name:com.vizpin.location.list
Request Parameters: "oem_key" – Unique key to limit data results to your OEM
"accountid" – Account to retrieve locationsResponse Attributes: "locations" – Array of Location objects (see Appendix for objects)
Sample Request:
"Jsonrpc":"2.0", "!version" : "2",
} npotio
Sample Response:
"message":" Successful listing of locations",
Get Location
This method is used to get a Location object per location.
Method Name: com.vizpin.location.get
Request Parameters: "oem_key" – Unique key to limit data results to your OEM,
"id" – location object to create (see Appendix for objects)Response Attributes: "locations" – newly created Account object (see Appendix for objects)
Sample Request:
"Jsonrpc":"2.0", "!version" : "2",
Sample Response:
"message":" Successful getting of location",
Add Location
This method is used to add a new location to an Account.
Method Name: com.vizpin.location.add
Request Parameters: "oem_key" – Unique key to limit data results to your OEM,
"location" – single location object to create (see Appendix for objects)
Set id = "" for new objectResponse Attributes: "locations" – newly created location object (see Appendix for objects)
Sample Request:
"Jsonrpc":"2.0", "!version" : "2",
Sample Response:
"message":" Successful adding of location",
Edit Location
This method is used to edit an existing location to an Account.
Method Name: com.vizpin.location.edit
Request Parameters: "oem_key" – Unique key to limit data results to your OEM,
"location" – location object to edit (see Appendix for objects)Response Attributes: "locations" – newly created Account object (see Appendix for objects)
Sample Request:
"Jsonrpc":"2.0", "!version" : "2",
Sample Response:
"message":" Successful adding of location",
List Readers
This method is used to get a list of Readers currently on the specified Location.
Method Name: com.vizpin.reader.list
Request Parameters: "oem_key" – Unique key to limit data results to your OEM,
"locationid" – locationID from previous Add or List Locations responseResponse Attributes: "readers" – Array of Reader objects (see Appendix for objects)
Sample Request:
"Jsonrpc":"2.0", "!version" : "2",
Sample Response:
"message":" Successful listing of readers",
Get Reader
This method is used to get a Reader object.
Method Name: com.vizpin.reader.get
Request Parameters: "oem_key" – Unique key to limit data results to your OEM,
"readerid" – readerID from previous Add or List Reades responseResponse Attributes: "readers" – Reader object (see Appendix for objects)
Sample Request:
"Jsonrpc":"2.0", "!version" : "2",
Sample Response:
"message":" Successful listing of readers",
Add Reader
This method is used to add a new Reader to one of your Accounts.
Method Name: com.vizpin.reader.add
Request Parameters: "oem_key" – Unique key to limit data results to your OEM,
"reader" – Reader object to create (see Appendix for objects)Response Attributes: "reader" – newly created Reader object (see Appendix for objects)
Sample Request:
"Jsonrpc":"2.0", "!version" : "2",
Sample Response:
"message":" Successful adding of reader",
Edit Reader
This method is used to edit a Reader on one of your Accounts.
Method Name: com.vizpin.reader.edit
Request Parameters: "oem_key" – Unique key to limit data results to your OEM,
"edit_reader" – Reader object to edit (see Appendix for objects)Response Attributes: "reader" – Reader object modified (see Appendix for objects)
Sample Request:
"Jsonrpc":"2.0", "!version" : "2",
Sample Response:
"message":" Successful adding of reader",
Count Users
This method is used to get the total number of users per account and to specify the number of batches com.vizpin.user.list must be called/executed to get the all users in an Account or Location. If locationid is empty, return result will be filtered by Account. Otherwise, the result will be filtered by Location.
Method Name: com.vizpin.user.count
Request Parameters: "oem_key" – Unique key to limit data results to your OEM,
"account_id" – if locationid is empty result will be filtered by Account ID
"locationid" – Location ID from previous Add or List Location responseResponse Attributes:
"totalcount" – total number of users per Account/Location
"batchcounter" – total number of com.vizpin.user.list to get all users '
Sample Request:
"Jsonrpc":"2.0", "!version" : "2",
Sample Response:
"message":" Successful listing of users' count",
List Users
This method is used to get a list of Users currently on the specified Account or Location. If locationid is empty, return result will be filtered by Account. Otherwise, the result will be filtered by Location.
Method Name: com.vizpin.user.list
Request Parameters: "oem_key" – Unique key to limit data results to your OEM,
"account_id" – If locationid is empty result will be filtered by Account ID
"locationid" – Location ID from previous Add or List Location response
"totalcount" – total number of users per Account/Location, result from com.vizpin.user.count
"batchcount" - default to 1, result from com.vizpin.user.countResponse Attributes:
"users" – Array of User objects (see Appendix for objects)
"totalCount" - total number of users
Sample Request:
"Jsonrpc":"2.0", "!version" : "2",
Sample Response:
"message":" Successful listing of users",
Sample Code:
public Result_GetListUsers GetUserList(string accountID, string locationID)
Result_GetListUsers users = new Result_GetListUsers ();
string token = string.Empty;
string userName = ConfigurationHelper.Vizpin_USERNAME;
var httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(<<SANDBOX URL>>/VIZpin/services/apexrest/oem-api);
httpWebRequest.Method = "POST";
httpWebRequest.ContentType = contenttype;
httpWebRequest.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
string json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(new
version = "2.0",
id = "1234567",
method = "com.vizpin.user.count",
jsonrpcs = "2.0",
param = new
"locationid": locatonID
var usercount = SendHttpWebRequest(httpWebRequest, json);
var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Result_UserCount>(usercount );
int totalcount = result.totalcount;
int batchcounter = result.batchcounter;
If (totalcount > 0)
for (i=1, i= batchCounter, i++)
users.AddList(GetUserList(accountID, locationID, totalcount, batchcounter));
return users;
public Result_GetListUsers GetUserList(string accountID, string locationID, int batchCounter, int totalCount)
string token = string.Empty;
string userName = ConfigurationHelper.Vizpin_USERNAME;
var httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(<<SANDBOX URL>>/VIZpin/services/apexrest/oem-api);
httpWebRequest.Method = "POST";
httpWebRequest.ContentType = contenttype;
httpWebRequest.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
string json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(new
version = "2.0",
id = "1234567",
method = "com.vizpin.user.list",
jsonrpcs = "2.0",
param = new
"totalcount": totalCount,
"batchcounter": batchCounter
result = SendHttpWebRequest(httpWebRequest, json);
var users = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Result_GetListUsers>(result);
return users;
Find User
This method is used to find a user by phone and name, across all Accounts.
Method Name: com.vizpin.user.find
Request Parameters: "phone" – Mobile phone number for existing User, including country
"last_name" – Last NameResponse Attributes: "user" – Single User object matching query (see Appendix for objects)
Sample Request:
"Jsonrpc":"2.0", "!version" : "2",
Sample Response:
"message":" Found User",
Get User
This method is used to find a user by user id, across all Accounts.
Method Name: com.vizpin.user.get
Request Parameters: "userid" – user id of the User to search
Response Attributes: "user" – Single User object matching query (see Appendix for objects)
Sample Request:
"Jsonrpc":"2.0", "!version" : "2",
Sample Response:
"message":" Found User",
PreRegister User
This method is used to pre-register a User. Used only when you want to pre register a smart app user that is not yet registered by VIZpin app SDK or VIZpin SMART app. This method does not require a password, so the user needs to reset the password on first usage of the VIZpin SMART app.
Method Name: com.vizpin.user.preregister
Request Parameters: "preregister_user" – Single PreRegistered User object to add (see Appendix for objects)
Response Attributes: "preregister_user" – Single PreRegistered User object result
Sample Request:
"Jsonrpc":"2.0", "!version" : "2",
Sample Response:
"message":"Successful User Registration",
Register User
This method is used to register a User. Used only when you want to fully register a smart app user that is not yet registered by VIZpin app SDK or VIZpin SMART app. This method requires a pre-defined password that can be shared with the VIZpin SMART app user.
Method Name: com.vizpin.user.register
Request Parameters: "user" – Single User object to add (see Appendix for objects)
Response Attributes: "user" – Single User object result
Sample Request:
"Jsonrpc":"2.0", "!version" : "2",
Sample Response:
"message":"Successful User Registration",
Edit User
This method is used to edit a User by user id, across all Accounts.
Method Name: com.vizpin.user.edit
Request Parameters: "user" – Single User object to modify (see Appendix for objects)
Response Attributes: "user" – Single User object result (see Appendix for objects)
Sample Request:
"Jsonrpc":"2.0", "!version" : "2",
Sample Response:
"message":"Successful User Edit",
Delete User
This method is used to delete a User by user id, across all Accounts.
Method Name: com.vizpin.user.delete
Request Parameters: "userid" – Single User object to modify (see Appendix for objects)
Sample Request:
"Jsonrpc":"2.0", "!version" : "2",
"user_id": "a0q56000000YW6PAAsW"
Sample Response:
"message":"Successful User Deleted",
Associate User
This method is used to associate an existing User to one of your Accounts.
Method Name: com.vizpin.user.associate
Request Parameters: "oem_key" – Unique key to limit data results to your OEM,
"location_ids" – location IDs from previous Add or List Location response,
"assoc_user" – User ID from previous Add, List, or Find responseResponse Attributes: "user" – Arraylist of User credentials object (see Appendix for objects)
Sample Request:
"id": "7272",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": com.vizpin.user.associate",
"params": {
"oem_key" : OEM_KEY,
"location_ids" : ["a0j63000015uTiOAAU", "a0j63000015uTiOAAU"]
"assoc_user" : USER_OBJECT_1
Sample Response:
"result" : {
"now" : 1437910464,
"message" : " Successful association of user",
"user" : USER_OBJECT_1},
"jsonrpc" : "2.0",
"id" : "7272"
Get User Credentials
This method is used to get all wiegand credentials of a user.
Method Name: com.vizpin.credential.get
Request Parameters: "userid" – id of the User to retrieve all wiegand credentials
Response Attributes: "credentials" – Arraylist of User credentials object (see Appendix for objects)
Sample Request:
"Jsonrpc":"2.0", "!version" : "2",
Sample Response:
"message":"Successful User Credential List",
Generate User Credential
This method is used to generate wiegand credentials of a user. [Needs to coordinate with VIZpin regarding the implementation fo card number generation per partner)
Method Name: com.vizpin.credential.generate
Request Parameters: "userid" – id of the User to generate a wiegand credential
"account_id" of the Account.Response Attributes: "credentials" – Single User credentials object created (see Appendix for objects)
Sample Request:
"jsonrpc":"2.0","!version" : "2",
Sample Response:
"message":"Successful Credential Generation",
List Users the Need Access
This method is used to get a list of Users currently on the specified Account or Location the need access for granting. If locationid is empty, return result will be filtered by Account. Otherwise, the result will be filtered by Location.
Method Name:
Request Parameters: "oem_key" – Unique key to limit data results to your OEM,
"account_id" – If locationid is empty result will be filtered by Account ID
"locationid" – Location ID from previous Add or List Location responseResponse Attributes:
"users" – Array of User objects (see Appendix for objects)
"totalCount" - total number of users
Sample Request:
"!version": "2",
"id": 1491396943,
"method": "com.vizpin.user.NeedAccess",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"params": {
"oem_key": "86f26ef9042e4fb6ab3016293957e5c9",
"account_id": "a0M2300000080KGEAY",
"locationid": "a0j230000007hsfAAA"
Sample Response:
"message":" Successful listing of users",
Grant Phone Role to User
This method is used to grant a SmartPhone role based permissions to a user.
Method Name: com.vizpin.user.grantphonerole
Request Parameters: "oem_key" – Unique key to limit data results to your OEM,
"site_id" – Site ID from previous Add or List Locations response,
"user_ids" – list of user ids to be granted,
"role_ids" – list of role ids to grant to users,
"start_date" – Date when the permission became effective,
"stop_date" – Date when the permission expires
Sample Request:
"Jsonrpc":"2.0", "!version" : "2",
"role_ids":["a0G4400030aCVaT", "a0V6701039bTBdT],
Sample Response:
"message":" "Grant successfully completed.",
List Roles
This method is used to list Roles of a specific Site.
Method Name: com.vizpin.role.list
Request Parameters: "oem_key" – Unique key to limit data results to your OEM
"site_id" – Site ID from previous Add or List Locations response,
"role_type" – role type to filter (as of 2023-12-08 only Phone type support is implemented)Response Attributes: "roles" – Array of Role objects (see Appendix for objects)
Sample Request:
"Jsonrpc":"2.0", "!version" : "2",
Sample Response:
"message":"List successfully retrieved.",
Add Role
This method is used to add a new Role to one of your Locations.
Method Name: com.vizpin.role.add
Request Parameters: "oem_key" – Unique key to limit data results to your OEM,
"site_id" – Site ID from previous Add or List Locations response,
"role_name" – New Role name,
"role_type" – New Role type (as of 2023-12-08 only Phone type support is implemented)Response Attributes: "roleId" – Id of newly created Role object
Sample Request:
"Jsonrpc":"2.0", "!version" : "2",
"role_name": "New Role Name",
"role_type": "Phone"
Sample Response:
"message":"Role added successfully.",
"roleId": "a0w7h000000zLJ9AAM"
Edit Role
This method is used to edit an existing Role.
Method Name: com.vizpin.role.edit
Request Parameters: "oem_key" – Unique key to limit data results to your OEM,
"site_id" – (Mandatory) Site ID from previous Add or List Locations response,
"role_id" – (Mandatory) Role ID from previous Add or List Roles response,
"reader_id" – (Optional) Reader ID from previous Add or List Readers response,
"schedule_type" – (Optional) Schedule type to be applied to the specified reader_id (as of 2023-12-08 only None and 24x7 types support is implemented)
Sample Request:
"Jsonrpc":"2.0", "!version" : "2",
"reader_id": "a0w7h000000zLJ9AAM",
"schedule_type": "24x7"
Sample Response:
"message":"Role edited successfully."
List VIZpins
This method is used to list VIZpins of a User with specified the Readers.
Method Name: com.vizpin.vizpin.list
Request Parameters: "oem_key" – Unique key to limit data results to your OEM
"account_id" – Account ID from previous Add or List Accounts response,
"user_id" – userid to filter
"reader_ids" – list of reader ids to filter, empty to get all User's VizpinsResponse Attributes: "vizpins" – Array of VIZpin objects (see Appendix for objects)
Sample Request:
"Jsonrpc":"2.0", "!version" : "2",
"reader_ids":["a0G4400030aCVaT", "a0V6701039bTBdT]
Sample Response:
"message":" Successful listing of VIZpins",
Grant VIZpin (DEPRECATED - user GRANT PHONE ROLE instead)
This method is used to grant a User access to a Reader. Multiple Schedule is activated per Partner license (please coordinate with VIZpin technical support is this feature is needed)
Method Name: com.vizpin.vizpin.grant
Request Parameters: "oem_key" – Unique key to limit data results to your OEM,
"user_ids" – list of User IDs from previous Add or List Users response,
"reader_ids" – list of Reader IDs for key granting
"schedule" – Schedule object for grant (see Appendix for objects)Response Attributes: "vizpins" – list of newly created VIZpin objects (see Appendix for objects)
Sample Request (Simple 24x7):
"Jsonrpc":"2.0", "!version" : "2",
Sample Response:
"message":" Successful granting of VIZpin",
Sample Request (Custom Schedule):
Grant Custom Schedule
"reader_ids" : ["a0c56000001cPIRAA2"],
"user_ids" : ["a0q56000000ao1TAAQ"],
"start_date" : "2020-01-01",
"stop_date" : "2020-12-31 17:00:01",
"schedule" : {
"type": "custom",
"monday_begin" : "05:00 PM",
"monday_end" : "06:00 PM",
"tuesday_begin" : "05:00 PM",
"tuesday_end" : "06:00 PM",
"wednesday_begin" : "05:00 PM",
"wednesday_end" : "06:00 PM",
"thursday_begin" : "05:00 PM",
"thursday_end" : "06:00 PM",
"friday_begin" : "05:00 PM",
"friday_end" : "06:00 PM"
Sample Request (Multiple Schedule):
Multiple Schedule
"!version": "2",
"id": 1491396943,
"method": "com.vizpin.vizpin.grant",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"params": {
"oem_key": "86f26ef9042e4fb6ab3016293957e5c9",
"reader_ids": [
"user_ids": [
"start_date": "2020-04-25",
"stop_date": "2020-08-31 17:00:01",
"schedule": {
"type": "multiple",
"scheduleelement": {
"includedates": [
"date": "2020-04-30",
"recurring": "false",
"time": [
"begin": "09:00 AM",
"end": "12:00 PM"
"begin": "08:00 AM",
"end": "05:00 PM"
"begin": "08:00 AM",
"end": "05:00 PM"
"excludedates": {
"recurring": [
"nonrecurring": [
"weekdays": {
"thursday": {
"time": [
"begin": "09:00 AM",
"end": "09:25 AM"
"begin": "09:30 AM",
"end": "09:55 AM"
"begin": "10:00 AM",
"end": "10:25 AM"
"begin": "10:30 AM",
"end": "10:55 AM"
"begin": "11:00 AM",
"end": "11:25 AM"
"friday": {
"time": [
"begin": "03:30 PM",
"end": "03:55 PM"
"begin": "04:00 PM",
"end": "04:25 PM"
"begin": "04:30 PM",
"end": "04:55 PM"
"begin": "05:00 PM",
"end": "05:25 PM"
"begin": "05:30 PM",
"end": "05:55 PM"
Revoke VIZpin
This method is used to revoke a User's access to a Reader.
Method Name: com.vizpin.vizpin.revoke
Request Parameters: "oem_key" – Unique key to limit data results to your OEM,
"vizpin_ids" – list of VIZpin IDs from previous Grant or List VIZpins response,Response Attributes: "vizpins" – revoked array list of VIZpin object (see Appendix for objects)
Sample Request:
"Jsonrpc":"2.0", "!version" : "2",
Sample Response:
"message":" Successful revoking of VIZpin",
List Activity
This method is used to list unlock Activity on the Account and User or Reader. If Reader is empty, api will get all activities of User per Account specified. Otherwise, return will be activities of a reader.
Method Name: com.vizpin.activity.list
Request Parameters: "oem_key" – Unique key to limit data results to your OEM,
"start_date" – Start of activity to filter (mm/dd/yyyy),
"end_date" – End of activity to filter (mm/dd/yyyy),
"account_id" – Account ID from previous Add or List Accounts response,
"user_id" – User object to filter on ,
"reader_id" – Reader object to filter onResponse Attributes: "activity" – Array of Activity objects (see Appendix for objects)
Sample Request:
{ "id": "11272",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": com.vizpin.activity.list",
"params": {
"oem_key" : OEM_KEY,
"start_date" : "06/01/2019",
"end_date" : "06/30/2019",
"account_id" : "a0G3300030aYQaF",
"user_id" : "a0F6777030aYQaF" ,
"reader_id" : "" }
Sample Response:
{ "status" : API_VIZPIN_SUCCESS,
"result" : {
"now" : 1437910464,
"message" : " Successful listing of Activity",
"activity" : [ACTIVITY_OBJECT_1, ACTIVITY_OBJECT_2…….] },
"jsonrpc" : "2.0",
"id" : "11272"
Remove User Per Account
This method removes associated Account, Credentials and Phone Access with the user
Method Name: com.vizpin.user.remove
Request Parameters: "userid" – Single User Id to remove
"accountId" - Account associated to the user to be removed.
Sample Request:
"Jsonrpc":"2.0", "!version" : "2",
"userid": "a0q56000000YW6PAAsW"
"accountId": "a0q44000000YW6PQSsW"
Sample Response:
"message":"Successfully Removed User from Account.",
Object Delete
This method deletes Account or Location or Reader and its association.
Method Name: com.vizpin.object.delete
Request Parameters:
"objectId" – Account Id or Location Id or Reader Id to be deleted.
objectname" - Object name to be deleted. Allowed values are "account" OR "location" OR "reader" ONLY.
Hierarchy of Object Deletion: Deleting a reader will delete all smartphone accesses and audit events. Deleting a location will delete ALL readers associated with it, including objects associated with the readers. Deleting account will delete all sites and readers associated with it, including all location and reader level objects as illustrated below.
"reader"Smartphone AccessEvents"location""account"Credentials/Cards associated to user(s)
Sample Request:
"Jsonrpc":"2.0", "!version" : "2",
"objectId": "account"
"objectname": "a0q44000000YW6PQSsW"
Sample Response:
"message":"<objectname> successfully deleted.",
Push API Calls
These methods will push an api request to OEM API endpoints to send json formatted objects that can be translated by OEMs into useful information.
URL Endpoint that will handle post request
JSON request handler
JSON response with expected attributes
Push Audit Events
This call pushes audit events to OEM specified in Appendix 3 - Audit Events Code
HTTP Request URL: To be provided by OEM partner
HTTP Request Client Certification: (If required by OEM Partner for endpoint authentication) Unique per OEM, will be sent to OEM partners and will vary per sandbox.
HTTP Request Body Parameters:
"activity_code" - event code,
"audit_date" - GMT date and time of the audit event,
"readerId" – Reader Id where event happened,
"user_id" – User Id of the owner of the audit (if blank, event can be a reader event)
"description" – readable date and time of the audit in reader location time zone,Http Response Body Response Attributes:
"status" – status code of the request.
200 Status for SUCCESS
4XX (where XX is an integer value) for ERROR and other status code
"message" - description of the message. Message should not be empty If status is 4XX.
Sample JSON Request Body:
{ "description":"Jan 16 2020 11:04:03 AM AST",
"audit_date":"2020-01-16 08:04:03",
Expected JSON Response:
{ "status" :200,
"message" : "true"
User Verification for Pre-registration
This notifies OEM partner that a pre-registered user was initially verified via VIZpin SDK. This feature is available for partners that have their own Mobile App access and are using VIZpinSDK.
HTTP Request URL: To be provided by OEM partner, user_id will be appended as part of URL string.
https://oemurl/<user_id>HTTP Request Client Certification: (If required by OEM Partner for endpoint authentication) Unique per OEM, will be sent to OEM partners and will vary per sandbox.
HTTP Request Body Parameters:
NONEHttp Response Body Response Attributes:
"status" – status code of the request.
200 Status for SUCCESS
4XX (where XX is an integer value) for ERROR and other status code
"message" - description of the message. Message should not be empty If status is 4XX.
Sample OEM URL:
Expected JSON Response:
{ "status" :200, "message" : "true"
Appendix 1: Status Codes and Error Codes
(These are preliminary values and are subject to change)
Success Codes:
Message Codes:
For Status = 1 :
For Status = 0 :
Appendix 2: Object Definitions
All properties will always be returned. Optional ones are not required in most API requests.
(These are preliminary values and are subject to change)
Account Object
Name | Type | Description | Remarks |
id | string | internal identifier for this Account | Required |
name | string | Account's Primary Name | Required |
phone | string | phone number of contact person | Required |
street | string | address street | Required |
city | string | address city for this account | Required |
state | string | address state for this account | Required |
zipcode | string | address zipcode for this account | Required |
country | string | address country for this account(Alpha-3 country ISO codes as described in the ISO 3166 international standard) | Required |
deactivated | string | Status of the account | Values: |
type | string | Account type | Required for adding reader Valid Values allowed for Partners (non-OEM) : "VIZpin vPROX", "VIZpin PLUS", "VIZpin Lite" Not editable(Not available in edit) |
Location Object
Name | Type | Description | Remarks |
accountid | string | Id of the Parent Account | Required |
id | string | internal identifier for this Location | Required |
name | string | Location's name | Required |
locationcode | string | code generated for this location | Value set when adding a location. |
timezone | string | timezone of the location | Required for adding reader. |
locationtype | string | Type of the location of vProx or PLUS | Required for adding reader. Valid Values for OEM Partners : "VIZpin vPROX", "VIZpin PLUS" Valid Values for non-OEM Partners : ""
country | string | country | Required |
phone | string | phone information of the contact person | Not Required |
state | string | State of the location | Not Required |
address1 | string | address1 of the location | Not Required |
address2 | string | address2 location | Not Required |
zipcode | string | Zip or postal code | Not Required |
city | string | City of the location | Not Required |
Reader Object
Name | Type | Description | Remarks |
id | string | identifier for this Reader | Required |
locationid | string | Reader's Location reference identifier (relates to Location) | Required in Adding Reader |
name | string | display name for this Reader | Required |
serial | string | serial number for this Reader | Required |
version | string | firmware version for this Reader | Read only value |
reader_collateral | string | reader settings supplied by the OEM. | 32 hex digits representing fixed length of 16 unsigned bytes that may be structured by the OEM to suit any purpose needed. This byte array will be transmitted to the specified reader and supplied to the reader firmware in the return data from an unlock request via SDK. Optional. If this is excluded from the object in any add/edit reader api calls, value saved is an empty string. |
readersettings | Reader Settings | Reader Settings associated with this Reader | Only 1 Reader Settings object per Reader |
batterylifestatus | Battery Status based on battery life of reader | Read only
| |
batterylife | Battery Life of the reader | Read Only Numeric |
ReaderSettings Object
Name | Type | Description | Remarks |
id | string | Identifier for the reader setting | Required |
readerid | string | reader reference identification | Required |
read_range | string | read range | Required |
relay_mode | string | relay mode | Valid Values: "Normally Open", "Normally Closed" Remove for smartlock reader. |
powermode | string | For Smartlock type readers | If reader is a smartlock, powermode is required Valid Values: FastUnlock, Standard or PowerSaver |
relay_time | string | relay time in seconds | Default Value : "5" |
first_in_mode | string | Enable or disable first-in mode of the reader | Input options: "off", "on" |
first_in_schedule | Schedule | If first_in_mode is "on": | Ignored for first_in_mode = "off" else |
User Object
Name | Type | Description | Remarks |
id | string | internal identifier for this User | Required |
first_name | string | first name for this User | Required |
last_name | string | last name for this User | Required |
password | string | password for this User | Masked value on response. |
emailaddress | string | Email Address of the User | Not a Required Field |
phone | string | mobile phone number for this User, including plus and country code, | Required |
| string | 3 letter country code of the phone for this User (Alpha-3 country ISO | Required |
state | string | State registered by user | Not a Required Field |
address1 | string | address of the user | Not a required field |
address2 | string | address of the user | Not a required field |
city | string | City address of the user | Not a required field |
phoneconfirmation | string | Specify if user has been verified via phone confirmation | Required |
sfUserID | string |
| External User Id |
PreRegistered User Object
Name | Type | Description | Remarks |
id | string | internal identifier for this User | Required |
first_name | string | first name for this User | Required |
last_name | string | last name for this User | Required |
emailaddress | string | Email Address of the User | Optional |
phone | string | mobile phone number for this User, including plus and country code, | Required |
| string | 3 letter country code of the phone for this User (Alpha-3 country ISO | Required |
state | string | State registered by user | Optional |
address1 | string | address of the user | Not a required field |
address2 | string | address of the user | Not a required field |
city | string | City address of the user | Not a required field |
Credential Object
Name | Type | Description | Remarks |
id | string | identifier for the credential | Value set when adding a credential. |
userid | string | User reference identification | Read-only |
accountId | string | Id of the Parent Account | Required |
cardnumber | string | Card number of user | Read-only |
cardnumberformatted | string | Formatted Card number | Read-only |
Role Object
Name | Type | Description | Remarks |
id | string | identifier for this Role | Value set when adding a Role. |
name | string | Role name | Required |
siteid | string | Role's Location reference identifier (relates to Location) | Required |
VIZpin Object
Name | Type | Description | Remarks |
id | string | identifier for this VIZpin | Value set when adding a user. |
readerid | string | reader reference identification | Required |
userid | string | User reference identification | Required |
start_date | string | access start date for this VIZpin (Reader Timezone) | Startdate of VIZpin Schedule FORMAT: yyyy-mm-dd OR yyyy-mm-dd 00:00:00 Time part is defaulted to 00:00:00 |
stop_date | string | access stop date and time for this VIZpin (Reader Timezone) | EndDate of the VIZpin Schedule FORMAT: yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:01 (local time of the reader) Seconds part is defaulted to 01. |
schedule | Schedule | object describing the weekly schedule for this VIZpin | Required |
status | string | Status of vizpin | Read-Only |
cardnumber | string | The Card Number for VProx Credential | Read-Only |
Schedule Object (local time of the reader)
Name | Type | Description | Remarks |
id | string | Internal identifier for this schedule | Value set when schedule is created. |
type | string | Schedule Type | Required |
scheduleelement | Schedule Element | Arraylist of Schedule Elements associated with this schedule | If type = "firstin", schedule element must be specified in a weekly basis only, custom time span per day is not allowed. Maximum of 1 time span per day If type = "multiple, multiple time spans per day is allowed. Maximum of 5 time spans |
ScheduleElement Object - FOR FIRSTIN, 24x7 and CUSTOM SCHEDULE local time of the reader)
Name | Type | Description | Remarks |
id | string | Internal identifier for this schedule element | Value set when schedule element is created |
scheduleid | string | schedule reference identification | Read-only |
sunday_begin | string | daily access start for Sunday | time of the reader in format hh:mm AM/PM |
sunday_end | string | daily access stop for Sunday | time of the reader in format hh:mm AM/PM |
monday_begin | string | daily access start for Monday | time of the reader in format hh:mm AM/PM |
monday_end | string | daily access stop for Monday | time of the reader in format hh:mm AM/PM |
tuesday_begin | string | daily access start for Tuesday | time of the reader in format hh:mm AM/PM |
tuesday_end | string | daily access stop for Tuesday | time of the reader in format hh:mm AM/PM |
wednesday_begin | string | daily access start for Wednesday | time of the reader in format hh:mm AM/PM |
wednesday_end | string | daily access stop for Wednesday | time of the reader in format hh:mm AM/PM |
thursday_begin | string | daily access start for Thursday, | time of the reader in format hh:mm AM/PM |
thursday_end | string | daily access stop for Thursday | time of the reader in format hh:mm AM/PM |
friday_begin | string | daily access start for Friday | time of the reader in format hh:mm AM/PM |
friday_end | string | daily access stop for Friday, | time of the reader in format hh:mm AM/PM |
saturday_begin | string | daily access start for Saturday | time of the reader in format hh:mm AM/PM |
saturday_end | string | daily access stop for Saturday | time of the reader in format hh:mm AM/PM |
ScheduleElement Object - FOR MULTIPLE SCHEDULE (local time of the reader)
*Multiple Schedule per day is activated per Partner license (please coordinate with VIZpin technical support is this feature is needed)
Name | Type | Description | Remarks |
id | string | Internal identifier for this schedule element | Value set when schedule element is created |
includedates | object | Relates to IncludeDates Object | Array of includedates object Optional |
excludedates | string | Relates to ExcludeDates Object | Array of excludedates object Optional |
weekdays | string | Relates to WeekDays Object | Array of includedates object Required |
IncludeDates Object - FOR MULTIPLE SCHEDULE (local time of the reader)
Name | Type | Description | Remarks |
date | string | start time of the schedule | Date of the Include date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
recurring | string | Identifies if the Include Date is recurring or not | Values: "true" or "false" If "true" : year will not be considered in schedule checking when processing keys |
time | Relates to Time Object | List of time objects (Minimum of 1, Maximum of 5 objects) |
ExcludeDates Object - FOR MULTIPLE SCHEDULE (local time of the reader)
Name | Type | Description | Remarks |
recurring | Array of String | Identifies if the Exclude Dates is/are recurring | List of Dates in yyyy-mm-dd format Year will NOT be considered in schedule checking when processing keys |
nonrecurring | Array of String | Identifies if the Exclude Dates is/are nonrecurring | Year will be considered in schedule checking when processing keys |
Weekdays Object - FOR MULTIPLE SCHEDULE (local time of the reader)
Name | Type | Description | Remarks |
"weekname" | string | weekday representation of the schedule: "monday" or "tuesday" or "wednesday" or "thursday" or "friday" or "saturday" or "sunday" | change "weekname" to one of these values can be: "monday" or "tuesday" or "wednesday" or "thursday" or "friday" or "saturday" or "sunday" |
time | Relates to time Object | List of time objects (Minimum of 1, Maximum of 5 objects) |
Time Object - FOR MULTIPLE SCHEDULE (local time of the reader)
Name | Type | Description | Remarks |
begin | string | start time of the schedule | time of the reader in format hh:mm AM/PM (Reader Timezone) |
end | string | end time of the schedule | time of the reader in format hh:mm AM/PM (Reader Timezone) |
Activity Object
Name | Type | Description | Remarks |
audit_id | string | id for this Activity | Read-only |
user_id | string | User id of this Activity | Read-only |
first_name | string | first name of the user | Read-only |
last_name | string | last name of the user | Read-only |
phone | string | phone number of the user | Read-only |
reader_name | string | reader display name for this Activity | Read-only |
audit_date | string | date/time string when this Activity occurred | Read-only |
description | string | description of the event for this Activity | Read-only |
readerId | string | Reader of the specific Audit | Read-only |
activity_code | String | Event Code of the Activity | See Appendix 5 for list of Unlock Activities |
Appendix 3: Request/Response Valid Values
(These are preliminary values and are subject to change)
Timezone values
Africa/Algiers | Asia/Bangkok | Atlantic/Bermuda | Pacific/Enderbury |
Africa/Cairo | Asia/Beirut | Atlantic/Cape_Verde | Pacific/Fiji |
Africa/Casablanca | Asia/Colombo | Atlantic/South_Georgia | Pacific/Gambier |
Africa/Johannesburg | Asia/Dhaka | Australia/Adelaide | Pacific/Guadalcanal |
Africa/Nairobi | Asia/Dubai | Australia/Brisbane | Pacific/Honolulu |
America/Adak | Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh | Australia/Darwin | Pacific/Kiritimati |
America/Anchorage | Asia/Hong_Kong | Australia/Lord_Howe | Pacific/Marquesas |
America/Bogota | Asia/Jakarta | Australia/Perth | Pacific/Niue |
America/Buenos_Aires | Asia/Jerusalem | Australia/Sydney | Pacific/Norfolk |
America/Caracas | Asia/Kabul | Europe/Amsterdam | Pacific/Pago_Pago |
America/Chicago | Asia/Kamchatka | Europe/Athens | Pacific/Pitcairn |
America/Denver | Asia/Karachi | Europe/Berlin | Pacific/Tongatapu |
America/El_Salvador | Asia/Katmandu | Europe/Brussels | |
America/Halifax | Asia/Kolkata | Europe/Bucharest | |
America/Indiana/Indianapolis | Asia/Kuala_Lumpur | Europe/Dublin | |
America/Lima | Asia/Kuwait | Europe/Helsinki | |
America/Los_Angeles | Asia/Manila | Europe/Istanbul | |
America/Mazatlan | Asia/Rangoon | Europe/Lisbon | |
America/Mexico_City | Asia/Riyadh | Europe/London | |
America/New_York | Asia/Seoul | Europe/Minsk | |
America/Panama | Asia/Shanghai | Europe/Moscow | |
America/Phoenix | Asia/Singapore | Europe/Paris | |
America/Puerto_Rico | Asia/Taipei | Europe/Prague | |
America/Santiago | Asia/Tashkent | Europe/Rome | |
America/Sao_Paulo | Asia/Tbilisi | GMT | |
America/Scoresbysund | Asia/Tehran | Pacific/Auckland | |
America/St_Johns | Asia/Tokyo | Pacific/Chatham | |
America/Tijuana | Asia/Yekaterinburg | ||
Asia/Baghdad | Asia/Yerevan | ||
Asia/Baku | Atlantic/Azores |
US States values
States | Values | States | Values |
Alabama | AL | Montana | MT |
Alaska | AK | Nebraska | NE |
American Samoa | AS | Nevada | NV |
Arizona | AZ | New Hampshire | NH |
Arkansas | AR | New Jersey | NJ |
California | CA | New Mexico | NM |
Colorado | CO | New York | NY |
Connecticut | CT | North Carolina | NC |
Delaware | DE | North Dakota | ND |
Dist. of Columbia | DC | Northern Marianas | MP |
Florida | FL | Ohio | OH |
Georgia | GA | Oklahoma | OK |
Guam | GU | Oregon | OR |
Hawaii | HI | Palau | PW |
Idaho | ID | Pennsylvania | PA |
Illinois | IL | Puerto Rico | PR |
Indiana | IN | Rhode Island | RI |
Iowa | IA | South Carolina | SC |
Kansas | KS | South Dakota | SD |
Kentucky | KY | Tennessee | TN |
Louisiana | LA | Texas | TX |
Maine | ME | Utah | UT |
Maryland | MD | Vermont | VT |
Marshall Islands | MH | Virginia | VA |
Massachusetts | MA | Virgin Islands | VI |
Michigan | MI | Washington | WA |
Micronesia | FM | West Virginia | WV |
Minnesota | MN | Wisconsin | WI |
Mississippi | MS | Wyoming | WY |
Missouri | MO |
Country Code Values
User A3 format in the list from {+}
Afghanistan | AFG | Gibraltar | GIB | Pakistan | PAK |
Albania | ALB | Greece | GRC | Palau | PLW |
Algeria | DZA | Greenland | GRL | Palestine, State of | PSE |
American Samoa | ASM | Grenada | GRD | Panama | PAN |
Andorra | AND | Guadeloupe | GLP | Papua New Guinea | PNG |
Angola | AGO | Guam | GUM | Paraguay | PRY |
Anguilla | AIA | Guatemala | GTM | Peru | PER |
Antarctica | ATA | Guernsey | GGY | Philippines | PHL |
Antigua and Barbuda | ATG | Guinea | GIN | Pitcairn | PCN |
Argentina | ARG | Guinea-Bissau | GNB | Poland | POL |
Armenia | ARM | Guyana | GUY | Portugal | PRT |
Aruba | ABW | Haiti | HTI | Puerto Rico | PRI |
Australia | AUS | Heard Island and McDonald Islands | HMD | Qatar | QAT |
Austria | AUT | Holy See (Vatican City State) | VAT | Romania | ROU |
Azerbaijan | AZE | Honduras | HND | Russian Federation | RUS |
Bahamas | BHS | Hong Kong | HKG | Rwanda | RWA |
Bahrain | BHR | Hungary | HUN | Reunion | REU |
Bangladesh | BGD | Iceland | ISL | Saint Barthelemy | BLM |
Barbados | BRB | India | IND | Saint Helena | SHN |
Belarus | BLR | Indonesia | IDN | Saint Kitts and Nevis | KNA |
Belgium | BEL | Iran, Islamic Republic of | IRN | Saint Lucia | LCA |
Belize | BLZ | Iraq | IRQ | Saint Martin (French part) | MAF |
Benin | BEN | Ireland | IRL | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | SPM |
Bermuda | BMU | Isle of Man | IMN | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | VCT |
Bhutan | BTN | Israel | ISR | Samoa | WSM |
Bolivia | BOL | Italy | ITA | San Marino | SMR |
Bonaire | BES | Jamaica | JAM | Sao Tome and Principe | STP |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | BIH | Japan | JPN | Saudi Arabia | SAU |
Botswana | BWA | Jersey | JEY | Senegal | SEN |
Bouvet Island | BVT | Jordan | JOR | Serbia | SRB |
Brazil | BRA | Kazakhstan | KAZ | Seychelles | SYC |
British Indian Ocean Territory | IOT | Kenya | KEN | Sierra Leone | SLE |
Brunei Darussalam | BRN | Kiribati | KIR | Singapore | SGP |
Bulgaria | BGR | Korea, Democratic People's Republic of | PRK | Sint Maarten (Dutch part) | SXM |
Burkina Faso | BFA | Korea, Republic of | KOR | Slovakia | SVK |
Burundi | BDI | Kuwait | KWT | Slovenia | SVN |
Cambodia | KHM | Kyrgyzstan | KGZ | Solomon Islands | SLB |
Cameroon | CMR | Lao People's Democratic Republic | LAO | Somalia | SOM |
Canada | CAN | Latvia | LVA | South Africa | ZAF |
Cape Verde | CPV | Lebanon | LBN | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | SGS |
Cayman Islands | CYM | Lesotho | LSO | South Sudan | SSD |
Central African Republic | CAF | Liberia | LBR | Spain | ESP |
Chad | TCD | Libya | LBY | Sri Lanka | LKA |
Chile | CHL | Liechtenstein | LIE | Sudan | SDN |
China | CHN | Lithuania | LTU | Suriname | SUR |
Christmas Island | CXR | Luxembourg | LUX | Svalbard and Jan Mayen | SJM |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands | CCK | Macao | MAC | Swaziland | SWZ |
Colombia | COL | Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of | MKD | Sweden | SWE |
Comoros | COM | Madagascar | MDG | Switzerland | CHE |
Congo | COG | Malawi | MWI | Syrian Arab Republic | SYR |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | COD | Malaysia | MYS | Taiwan | TWN |
Cook Islands | COK | Maldives | MDV | Tajikistan | TJK |
Costa Rica | CRI | Mali | MLI | United Republic of Tanzania | TZA |
Croatia | HRV | Malta | MLT | Thailand | THA |
Cuba | CUB | Marshall Islands | MHL | Timor-Leste | TLS |
Curacao | CUW | Martinique | MTQ | Togo | TGO |
Cyprus | CYP | Mauritania | MRT | Tokelau | TKL |
Czech Republic | CZE | Mauritius | MUS | Tonga | TON |
Cote d'Ivoire | CIV | Mayotte | MYT | Trinidad and Tobago | TTO |
Denmark | DNK | Mexico | MEX | Tunisia | TUN |
Djibouti | DJI | Micronesia, Federated States of | FSM | Turkey | TUR |
Dominica | DMA | Moldova, Republic of | MDA | Turkmenistan | TKM |
Dominican Republic | DOM | Monaco | MCO | Turks and Caicos Islands | TCA |
Ecuador | ECU | Mongolia | MNG | Tuvalu | TUV |
Egypt | EGY | Montenegro | MNE | Uganda | UGA |
El Salvador | SLV | Montserrat | MSR | Ukraine | UKR |
Equatorial Guinea | GNQ | Morocco | MAR | United Arab Emirates | ARE |
Eritrea | ERI | Mozambique | MOZ | United Kingdom | GBR |
Estonia | EST | Myanmar | MMR | United States | USA |
Ethiopia | ETH | Namibia | NAM | United States Minor Outlying Islands | UMI |
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | FLK | Nauru | NRU | Uruguay | URY |
Faroe Islands | FRO | Nepal | NPL | Uzbekistan | UZB |
Fiji | FJI | Netherlands | NLD | Vanuatu | VUT |
Finland | FIN | New Caledonia | NCL | Venezuela | VEN |
France | FRA | New Zealand | NZL | Viet Nam | VNM |
French Guiana | GUF | Nicaragua | NIC | British Virgin Islands | VGB |
French Polynesia | PYF | Niger | NER | US Virgin Islands | VIR |
French Southern Territories | ATF | Nigeria | NGA | Wallis and Futuna | WLF |
Gabon | GAB | Niue | NIU | Western Sahara | ESH |
Gambia | GMB | Norfolk Island | NFK | Yemen | YEM |
Georgia | GEO | Northern Mariana Islands | MNP | Zambia | ZMB |
Germany | DEU | Norway | NOR | Zimbabwe | ZWE |
Ghana | GHA | Oman | OMN |
Appendix 4: Policies
User passwords expire in 90 days.
Enforce password history : 3 passwords remembered
Minimum password length : 8
Password complexity requirement: Must Include alpha and numeric characters
Maximum invalid login attempts : 3
Appendix 5: Activity Event Code
Code | Event code |
Name | Name of the event |
Is Reader Event | If YES - audit is for a reader event such as reader setup, configuration installation, reader activity If NO - event is an audit message with phone or server activity |
Code | Name | Is Reader Event | Code | Name | Is Reader Event | |
85 | Setup Error | YES | 73 | Alarm was detected as disarmed | NO | |
96 | DMR connection Info | NO | 70 | Door was detected as Opened | NO | |
94 | Unknown code 94 | NO | 50 | Add new low audit events here 10 | NO | |
97 | DMR Unknown Device R/W timeout | NO | 78 | Door Close request sent | NO | |
64 | Device not authorized | NO | 31 | New device added | NO | |
60 | BLE R/W Activty Timeout | NO | 80 | Authorized phone seen within range | NO | |
52 | A phone has triggered an unlock | NO | 43 | Add new low audit events here 3 | NO | |
74 | Pin Request Error | NO | 54 | A phone has arming message an alarm | NO | |
72 | Alarm was detected as armed | NO | 30 | Low Audit | NO | |
53 | A phone has triggered an open message | NO | 81 | Wiegand Authorized | NO | |
61 | DMR_WIEGAND_IN_FAULT | NO | 41 | Add new low audit events here | NO | |
32 | Paired phone deleted | NO | 33 | All phones deleted | NO | |
62 | DMR_BT_ERROR | NO | 37 | First In Unlock Start | NO | |
56 | The door was propped open | NO | 34 | Tamper switch has been opened | NO | |
66 | Multi Output Unlock | NO | 45 | Add new low audit events here 5 | NO | |
55 | A phone has disarming message an alarm | NO | 71 | Door was detected as Closed | NO | |
59 | Rejected Un-lock | NO | 57 | Setting Changed | NO | |
77 | Door Lock | NO | 91 | RTC Recovered TIme | YES | |
75 | Day/Night - Night/Day Mode change | NO | 76 | Admin Mode Entered | YES | |
88 | RTC set to default time | YES | 92 | Time set from phone | YES | |
47 | Add new low audit events here 7 | NO | 83 | User List Valid | YES | |
67 | Aborted Un-lock, no arming input | NO | 90 | Power Fail | YES | |
63 | Time on phone and reader don't match | NO | 40 | Settings reset | YES | |
86 | Bad Un-lock Msg Preamble | NO | 87 | Panic | YES | |
35 | Tamper switch has been closed | NO | 89 | Power fail recovery | YES | |
58 | Code was sent to the external panel | NO | 36 | Unit has been powered up | YES | |
68 | Request to Exit | NO | 84 | User List Error | YES | |
38 | First In Unlock End | NO | 65 | LINK Update | YES | |
46 | Add new low audit events here 6 | NO | 39 | Hardware reset | YES | |
82 | Wiegand Unauthorized | NO | 101 | Door forced Open | * | |
79 | Admin Error | NO | 103 | Door open too long | * | |
48 | Add new low audit events here 8 | NO | 104 | Door left open | * | |
51 | Add new low audit events here 11 END | NO | 106 | Door forced open | * | |
116 | DOOR_LOCK_STATUS_FAILURE | * | 108 | Door open to long | * | |
117 | DOOR_LOCK_STATUS_RESTORED | * | 109 | Door left open restore | * | |
124 | IOSMART_POWER_RESTORED | * | 110 | Door Closed | * | |
125 | IOSMART_POWER_LOW | * | 111 | Exit Request | * | |
118 | IOSMART_SOFT_RESET | * | 121 | Schedule Unlock | * | |
119 | IOSMART_HARD_RESET | * | 122 | Schedule Relock | * | |
132 | IOSMART_FW_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL | * | 130 | Tamper Alarm | * | |
136 | IOSMART_FW_UPDATE_FAILED | * | 131 | Tamper Restored | * | |
137 | IOSMART_FW_UPDATE_CANCELLED | * | *Reserved Events to an OEM |