How Users Get Access

How Users Get Access


VIZpin Smart App User Guide

The onboarding process for new users is quite simple and we have several tools to help make this process as easy as possible. Simply put, new users download the VIZpin Smart app, create an account, and enter your unique Location ID. That's it!

When a user requests access with your Location ID they are automatically added to your account and all managers will receive an email notification. Then a manager can login to VIZpin.net, grant access and the user is ready to go!

If a user gets a new phone number they will have to register as a new user.

Step by step instructions are provided in the video above or in this PDF. You should have received a PDF User Guide with your custom Location ID code when your account was created. If you would like to request one please email customercare@vizpin.com and include your Location ID.

Spanish versions of the video user guide and the PDF are available.