Grant Smartphone Access

Grant Smartphone Access

Grant Smartphone Access

Once you have created the roles that you need, granting access is easy. You’ll select the users you would like to grant access to, select the role(s) you would like to grant them, set start and end dates for access, and grant them access.

Once a user has been granted access, the smartkeys they were granted will appear in their VIZpin Smart app ready to go.


Each time you grant access to a new user a smartkey is deducted from your smartkey total. You do not get them back into your account if user access is revoked or automatically expires. More smartkeys can be purchased at any time by clicking the reload button on the right side of the Grant Access page.


  1. Login to VIZpin.net

  2. Click Grant Access

  3. Click Grant Smartphone Access

  4. Check Needs Access to filter for users without access

  5. Select the desired user(s) and click Continue

  6. Select the desired role and click Continue

  7. Select the start and end dates for access and click Grant VIZpin

    1. If you would like access to be indefinite leave the expiration date at its default

  8. The user(s) can now refresh their VIZpin Smart app to view new available smartkeys and access times.


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